Monday, November 9, 2009

ID Theft in the Canyon of Heroes?

I had taken a few days from thinking of what to “blog” as I was enjoying the Yankee run through the World Series. As I set back my recliner late Friday night to watch the 11pm news re-cap of the ticker tape parade, I hear how some office workers got carried away during the Yankees victory parade and began tossing files and documents out the window when they could not get their hands on confetti. It has been reported that investigators found all kinds of personal financial documents in the mountains of shredded paper tossed from skyscrapers as the players rode up Broadway through the Canyon of Heroes. Documentation found on the ground included pay stubs, banking data, law firm memos and court files.

I routinely hear people say that they do not need identity theft protection…that it has never been an issue and do not wish to spend the money it takes to subscribe to an ID Theft Service. I have written in this space how ID Theft expands way beyond someone stealing your wallet or credit card. ID Theft is a preventive strike against a worst case scenario…a scenario you never want to endure. Is this worth a few bucks per month? If your name is on one of those documents on the ground in NYC…you bet it is!

I would love the opportunity to help you secure ID Theft Protection for you and the entire family. If you wish to go someplace else, that is fine…just do it today.

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