Friday, September 25, 2009

A Recent Discussion

I recently participated in a panel discussion where employers were asking "what are some good ideas on how they can provide low/ no cost benefits to employees…how can these benefits help attract / retain employees."

I responded by saying that when I sit down with executives regarding these types of questions, I discuss the value of turn-key, voluntary opt-in plans. My company can create and customize “bundles” that best supplement an organization’s existing benefit plan. Vision & Dental are as good as some others have stated in this discussion, just be careful you are not overpaying for these services. You can get much cheaper pricing in a bundled situation. On the medical side, I strongly recommend a telemedicine product and free pharmacy card. There is also value in providing Identity Theft Protection, Pre-Paid Legal Plans and Roadside Assistance. These programs, properly promoted within, should not only enhance engagement, but reduce associate absence and result in better customer service/ productivity. If you look to do these types of programs, look for multiple payment options too…payroll deduct, employer paid or partial employer paid. I also see employers place a great value on providing employees insurance options they can purchase on their own. One employer mentioned that LTD is voluntary in their organization…I see many employers make all kinds of insurance available via the workplace intranet…Non-Occupational Disability, Term/ Whole Life, Long Term Care, Cancer Insurance, etc…. Does not cost the employer anything to provide and employees can shop right from their desk.

I do not think I could have gotten more of a fastball right down the middle.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Medical Identity Theft...I Am Not Kidding

Identity theft is a recurring theme that I like to address in this forum. For whatever reason, many people do not see this as the "needs based product" that it truly is. You would not drive a car without auto insurance. You would not want to start a family without a Will and life insurance plan (hey, I wrote about that under my Legal Plan posting). ID Theft has become (not is becoming, HAS BECOME) the #1 crime in America and believe it or not, extends way beyond someone stealing a credit card or social security number.

Believe it or not, ID Theft is growing at an unprecedented rate when it comes to receiving medical treatment. You cannot turn on the television, listen to a presidential sound byte or read a newspaper without hearing about the rising cost of health care and how difficult it is for many people to afford quality care. What do some people who cannot afford medical insurance turn to? Medical ID Theft.

Medical ID Thieves will use a victims identity and insurance information to receive the care they need. The real threat is not just the financial impact of the doctor/ hospital bills, but the fact that your medical records can be changed to those of the Identity Thief! Your blood type, medications, allergic reactions, etc... can all be changed to somebody else's history.

If there is any lingering doubt why identity theft protection is something everybody in America should have, watch this video.

Now fill in the blank: "I, (state your name), do not have Identity Theft Protection because__________________________________________________. (hint: no good answer to this question.)

Obviously I would like to help you with your acquisition of an ID Theft program...but no matter where you go to get it...just get it TODAY!