Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My First Test

This is intended to be a test "blog" so I can review how this site will look once I start filling it with content from my sales platform. My platform offers B2B programs for Discount & Lifestyle Benefits, Multiple types of Insurance Products (via an online quoting engine), Affinity Credit Cards and last but not least, retail residential mortgage products (these are available direct to the consumer). Definately not a conventional mix of programs and fact we are probably one of, if not the only entity that combines these types of products through one menu.

I will use this site to share my individual experiences, talk about my business platform, our products, why they are valuable, how tro contact me, etc.... I hope to expand my outreach into new markets, relationships and opportunities that are mutially beneficial for me, my partners and customers.

As of this point I do not have a plan to complete these "blog posts" at a regular frequency. I am very much at the beginning of the learning curve and do not fully understand the highest and best use for this type of forum. I was speaking to a valued business partner today and commented how I am excited to author this "blog" site...and how I need to learn everything I can about it. Her response? It was that only 11 years ago I refused to even turn on a computer, would not carry a cell phone and did everything by hand. Amazing how everything around me changed...I am lucky that I realized early on that if I did not get out in front of change as best I can that I would be a true cautionary tale...that I would have many regrets. I am very thankful for the decisions I have made to this point...hopefully I continue to make the right, or at least the best decisions I can.

Much more to follow as I get the hang of this.

Bob Germano